Monday, August 12, 2013

I HATE FUN. (And more on being verbally pedestrian)

I hate FUN!

Let me explain a little further.

I love beautiful words.  Vocabulary that is poetic. Words such as languish, exquisite, and quibble.  Words which evoke a powerful image in your head at the sound.  Words that roll off your tongue with nothing short of pleasure.

 On the other hand, I detest bland words.  Pedestrian words..... see below the definition of pedestrian, particularly the first.

Definition of PEDESTRIAN

a : going or performed on foot
b : of, relating to, or designed for walking <a pedestrianmall>

I ABHOR pedestrian words.  

There are many pedestrian words.  Those are the words that your English teacher would tell you to "find a synonym".   Good.  Nice.  FUN.

My least favorite word is FUN.  Imagine you spend the afternoon cooking a fabulous gourmet five course meal and at the end of it, the feedback you get is,  "That was fun".

You might as well say "That was vaguely interesting, but nothing to write home about.  Actually, next time I think I will pick up a fun corndog on the way home and eat that instead.  With some fun cotton candy."

Or lets say you go on a date and you hear that your date said,  "she/he was fun, it was a fun time."  I don't know about you, but I wouldn't expect a call for a second date.  Wouldn't you rather hear, "She/he was delightful, I had an intriguing and fantastic time."

In my house, I have decided that fun is the f word.  I don't want it uttered within my walls.

Of course, there are other verbal abominations, but fun summarizes all of them.  

I started thinking about this and I started to philosophize as to why this bothers me so much.
Perhaps, instead of disliking the words themselves, I need to make changes in myself.  Instead of trying to force others to not use certain words around me, I should be attempting to create an environment in which whatever our family is doing, eating, participating in, is NOT pedestrian.  

I think my admiration of powerful words goes beyond vocabulary.  It is my philosophy.   I want life to be fully delicious.  Incredible.  Breath-taking. Meaningful.  I think this incredible life can happen in anyone's normal life.  It is not whether you live in a castle or a double wide.  It is about attitude and desire.  To seize the day, to appreciate the little things in life, to love deeply, to dance in the moonlight, and most importantly be kind to all.