Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Not So Patient Girl learns a lesson....

Patience... not a virtue that this girl can claim.

In August, we will be here for 36 months, and that is the time that the Army moves chaplains after their first duty station.  The decision where we go and when, was going to happen sometime in December or January, I waited every day to hear news, any news.  Not so patiently, of course.  No, I have been anxious. And excited.  And scared.  Our life was being decided, and it could be wonderful or tragic (goes the dialogue in my mind), but overall I was excited.

One of the reasons why I feel (hear the pride here) that I am a good Army wife, is that I am ready to move to wherever, whenever.   I love change, moving, exploring, and meeting new people. It is the wanderlust in my soul.  So, I was READY to kick the dust off my heels and move everyone on to the next adventure.  I was ready to start my searching for home and town.  I was dreaming of living on a farm this time.  Or a number of other different scenarios.....North Carolina, Europe, Japan, Alaska!!!!
How awesome would Alaska be ( even though I don't like cold weather...just to see the northern lights.....)
Or Washington state (Ahh... the Redwood forests...).

 Or Japan!  Always wanted to live there...
 Or Italy... I do have distant relatives we could  visit ...

But, as in all life, and especially the Army life, things do not happen the way we plan.

Apparently, either due to a miscalculation of our time here, or due to the fact that they are moving people less often (and possibly due to a combination of both), we were slated for a Winter move (2016) not a Summer (2015).  We had no idea.  All that worrying and excitement for nothing!  Patience would have been helpful.

Since we will have a senior half through his senior year next winter, we can request an even later move.   A whole year here longer than I thought.

I have to admit, I was crushed at first.  The selfish part of me wanted to throw a self pity party.  I wanted to explore a new state or country.  I wanted to start fresh.  Even though my kids really weren't ecstatic about another move, I wanted it.

Of course, now, I realize how much better this is for everyone. Reasons keep on coming to mind.....including another year of stability which is a precious commodity in the military.  I have some dear friends here, and so do the kids.

Not to mention the reason we are here...James has a great battalion, an excellent command team and he loves his soldiers.  He is really making a difference. They love him. (Disclosure:  That is not an opinion of a doting wife, I hear it constantly from soldiers.)

And as a reminder of how great Texas is, today, I wore my sandals!  It was sunny, beautiful and over 70 degrees.  Its not too bad to be stuck in a place like this.  

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