Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Game Plan


Today is January 2, 2015.  I rarely make serious New Years Resolutions, because I don't want to make a resolution only to break it.  But I feel a need this year to really focus on a few areas in my life.  Partly because as a mother and homemaker, the way I live and manage the house and myself affects four other people.  So, my laziness, fatigue and poor choices usually reflect upon everyone else in various ways.  I think it is like that for everyone.  We may be individuals, but we are also communities.  We all affect each other with our choices.

Below are my kids and the motivation to be a much better example.

1.  DAILY READING TIME.  This doesn't mean my daily reading of facebook or emails which send me the best deal of the century for whatever they are selling.  I want to read good literature, in addition to my Bible.  Every day.  This past year I read the Idiot, which was incredible. But it took me forever!  I would forget where I put it and not read anything of value for a month! Right now I am reading Perelandra by C.S.Lewis.  Next on my list is the Foundation Trilogy by Asimov.  Yes, Brothers Karamazov is on the list, but I might choose an easier classic to read first.  
I know that if my kids see me unplugging and reading, it will have more of an impact than if I nag them to unplug and read.  
And I even found the best used bookstore ever in the next town to help me out. 

2. HEALTHY NATURAL FOODS.  We eat pretty healthy right now.  I cook most meals at home and have an average of one or two meals out (pizza or burgers or chinese takeout) a week.    I would like to cut out more processed food.  My problem is that my teenagers are bottomless pits, and it is so difficult to cook enough to have any leftovers. Without leftovers, I am cooking a LOT!  You may say, double the recipe, use a crock pot, and I DO!  I need to get a bigger crock pot though.  My downfall is the day old bakery section at our local grocery store.  I can't bake for the prices, and my kids love the muffins and treats.  Still, homemade blueberry muffins are a lot healthier than the chemically laced treats bought in store bakerys.
I resolve to bake and cook more at home with natural ingredients. If my kids see me eating healthy and I provide enough natural homecooked food to fill them, they will learn to choose healthier foods as well.

3. REGULAR EXERCISING.  Other than a nightly 2 mile walk with the hound, I havent exercised in months.  I have had no motivation or energy.  I know part of the reason is a chemical reason , but I know that once I commit and make exercising a daily habit, it will get easier to do.  In addition, I really need to be an example to my daughter Rose, who is 12 and is home schooled right now.  If I let her, after school is done, she will sit around playing video games or playing guitar (which is good, just not that physical) all day long.  She knows already how much better she feels if she runs a mile during the day, so I already have a running partner.  

4.  MICROWAVE COOKING. Along with the healthy eating above, I need to research how healthy microwave cooking is. We use that little silver box A LOT.  I know that microwave cooking alters the molecular structure of your foods.  What is the result of that?  Before we moved into this house, I had gone a year without it.  Its doable to live without, but its so nice to heat up a cup of coffee or quick snack!

5. DRAW OR PAINT EVERYDAY.  Every time I draw or paint something, I feel as though a part of my soul comes to life.  Do you ever feel like you are walking through life as a zombie?  I do sometimes, but when I make myself sit down to draw/paint, I feel more alive.  There is so much therapy in the creating.  Most of my sketches, I wouldn't show anyone, but its not about the end product, its about the process, and exploration of medium and techniques. 

6.  My major artistic problem is I am so ARTADD.  It is probably what made me a good art teacher.  I know enough about most mediums to work with them and  teach them.   But I am no master at any of them.   In addition, since I have so many interests, I usually have three or more projects going on at once and there is so much mess in my work area.   Which causes my work area to look like this photo.  Then I get stressed and run away into the room where I can play skyrim and block out my creative catastrophe.  
My interests also include  "artsy-craftsy" things like jewelry making.  Some of the more craftsy non fine art things I end up doing more because they are more practical, for either selling or gift giving. This takes away focus and time from drawing and painting. I am working on a self analysis of my work to decide what artistic ventures to focus on and what to put aside.  I am torn because locally there is a bead store which offers jewelry classes in soldering and metalsmithing.  Although I consider that true art, I am afraid that I will just accumulate more tools to be able to dabble with, but never perfect.  Then again, taking a class is priceless, learning an art and skill is always advantageous.

Looking at my list is a little overwhelming!  During the past week, however, these are the areas which I feel convicted about.  I need to set an example for my kids to follow, and life is so short.  I don't want to waste it!
So here's to a happy and healthy and productive 2015.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing. You have inspired me to set some new goals myself.

  2. I think it is wonderful that you are striving to be good role model for your teens. We all complain about the lack of role models and good values out there, when our kids are really looking at us first for their direction.

    I do think that you are way too hard on yourself though. Look at all you ARE doing! How many people cook much at all for their families today, not to mention healthy real food. Most of us get little or no exercise, yet you are taking your dog on 2 mile walks. And hey, most dogs would be ecstatic to get that kind of attention and commitment from their people.

    You are already learning new things, broadening yourself and trying out new skills in so many areas.

    You are a talented writer, artist and artisan who is growing all the time in each of these areas. Again, so few take the time to do much of those activities today. You are hardly lzy. Do you need o tune out and play a game or read a less intense book sometimes? Sure, that is normal. You are juggling a lot and put so many expectations on yourself that maybeyou get feeling overwhelmed and it is easier to just do something else. I fall into the same pattern. All. The. Time!

    Realize you are already an amazing person and are doing so much. Then just start doing something, in any of these areas that you chose. Without rules and restrictions, time frames and objectives. Do it for the sheer joy of creating a new meal, exploring a design, reading an exciting chapter. Then you will also be teaching your children passion.

    Love you, my friend.

    (your biggest fan always)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Rebecca. I like that idea... sharing my passion by doing things I love for the sheer love of creating! I often lose myself in a project, and never looked at it that way.
