Friday, January 31, 2014

Tale of a Lonely Girl

My husband left me on Tuesday.

So I am officially a single mom.

I knew he would, of course.  The signs were all there.  The late hours.  The emotional detachment.  .   I know I am not alone.  I know some of you know my pain.

It is impossible to compete when your husband's mistress is so attractive.  Somehow he was given the idea that all of his soul's longings would be filled.  Adventure, Honor, Duty, Sacrifice.....and recognition.  He even came home with coins.
You may have guessed (especially if you are a military spouse) that my husband's mistress is the United States Army!  He deployed this week and he is in Afghanistan.

I am really dreading the next few months because EVERY spouse of a soldier I have spoken to told of some catastrophe which happens during deployment.  Cars breakdown, kid's bones break, appliances explode, puking diseases, and dog emergencies are just a few I have heard about.  I am holding my breath.

I am actually looking forward to one aspect of the separation.  I want to prove to myself that I can do things on my own.  That I can fix catastrophes and make sure the family is running properly.

I am a newcomer to the military lifestyle.  So, I have teenagers and this is our first deployment.  That is not the norm.  My functioning in the culture is sometimes quite humorous.  Its a good thing I can laugh at myself!  For example, I sometimes forget what rank all the little symbols are. That can cause some problems.  Last week, we were at a predeployment function,  and a man with a little eagle on his uniform came up and started joking around with my hubby.  He asked me if my husband was ready for deployment, and I said (not realizing what the eagle meant), "Oh he can't wait!  He wants the adventure and the glory and honor!"  The brigade commander, the Colonel, laughed and said , "There's no adventure or glory over there!"  I probably would have been too nervous to say anything intelligible if I knew who he was, so its probably a good thing.

Needless to say, I am sure I will continue to have awkward moments.  Due to deployment, and I might just write them here.

Some other mishaps of the Lonely Girl as a Military Wife....