Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Apathy of a Generation X-er

I am so glad that the election is over.  There are SO many people who get SO worked up over such events.  And I am not sure that the process brings about the "best" in a lot of them.  I am tired of hearing the negative comments on both sides, concerning the other sides.

I have been told that I am apathetic, because I don't have faith in politics, but I am not sure I agree.  I have not lost faith in the country or mankind.  Just that we should put so much trust in the government.

During the past few days, these have been my rambling thoughts:
1.  Politicians are not usually the "best of men and women" because the people with the most humanity, compassion, integrity and goodness do not tend to choose politics as a career.  They choose to become doctors, teachers, social workers, you get the idea. Someone with those qualities don't want to control other people. Or events.  Is this judgmental of me to say?  Perhaps.  And I am sure there are exceptions to the rule.
2.  I do not want to  put a lot of faith in any government system. Governments are run by men (and women) and we all make mistakes.   Democracy is a wonderful concept, but every system has its weaknesses.
3.  One thing that I kept on reading concerning why everyone needed to vote is that our soldiers give their lives for this freedom.   Although I think it is an incredible privilege to be able to vote, I do not believe that is why soldiers give their lives or should it be.  I may be naive but I would like to believe we fight for MORE.  Things like stopping tyrants and terrorists from torturing, misusing and killing innocent people.  And to stop such terrorists and extremists from affecting our citizens and families.
4.  Someone of facebook wrote something that talked about whatever the outcome of the election is, it is not to be our main concern, if we are Christians.  Our main concern is His Kingdom, not some temporary earthly system.  And to my understanding, although the Kingdom of Heaven in the Bible is somewhat of a mystery, there are basic guidelines that we CAN understand.  Mercy, Grace, Justice, Meekness, Gentleness, Kindness, Generosity to the Poor, Compassion, Love and Hope... these are the characteristics of the Kingdom.  AND YES I DO SOUND LIKE A HIPPIE!  But, hey, its in the BIBLE.  (Matthew chapter 5)  The concept that is important is that its all in God's hands... this election, this presidency, this government...such things are of little concern when meditating about eternity.
5.  #4 does not mean that we don't get involved and take action on topics that we feel strongly about, or are plain wrong, its just that first and foremost, we trust that God is in control.  Don't stress about things you can't change.  Work hard to change society but with grace and kindness.
6.  Yes, anxiety and worry about things we can not change robs us of LIFE.  We should vote, then move on.  We should respect our leaders.  We should follow the law of the land.  We should love our neighbors AND those in power.

So, in conclusion, I am not apathetic.  I just don't think that our hope and trust should rely totally within any political system or person.  I think the President needs prayer and support.  He is in this position in an extreme time.  He must make terrible, tough and mindblowing decisions.  I certainly wouldn't want that responsibility.
So there it is... the Apathy of a Generation X-er.

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