Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rambling On

I have always struggled with naming my online usernames and such.  I have gone through a few different ones and they never seemed right.  And then it came to me.

My dad always called me Rebikulous.  It was a rather a clever play on my name Rebekah and the word ridiculous, of course, which seemed to fit my illogical actions and ideas ever since I was a small child.    He had other descriptions and names for me too.  BEKALAH, Dolly, Daisy...

So, now I am resurrecting the old name and using it.  I am ridiculous and I am not going to try to escape the truth any longer.

My husband always thought the name was hilarious.
When POD came out with a certain song, in which "ridiculous" was being sang over and over, guess what he sang instead...
If I learned anything this past year, it is not to take myself too seriously, so I am not sure if this will be part of my new art/business as I move, but I am considering it.  

What do you think?  Art by Rebikulous?  Rebikulous Art?  Rebikulous Designs?  

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