Sunday, May 27, 2012

The journey begins..

About 8 years ago, my husband told me, "I need to go to school to be a pastor."
I thought he was joking.

He was in his early 30s at the time.  He was a successful regional sales manager for GE.  He sold high tech access control systems to large corporations and he covered all of New England and upstate NY.  That day, he had been sitting outside of an office of a CEO of some large company, waiting.  He was about to do some demo or sales pitch.  Suddenly, he was overcome with  the sense that he wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing.  That he needed to do something else, and that had to do with ministry of some sort.  I think it was a supernatural epiphany. 

I thought he was joking, because he jokes about everything and also because my husband does not fit into the "pastor" mold.  He enjoys heavy loud music with angry lyrics, not christian contemporary.  He drinks beer and enjoys cigars.  He doesn't shy away from controversy or difficult situations, he embraces them.  So, no, a typical church probably wouldn't work.  We have had several friends tell him, "I don't go to church and I am not a church person, but if you were the pastor, I would go." Maybe it would have worked, but not as well, as what he has been chosen for.

About six months ago, he received a call from Washington DC informing him that he was chosen to become  an active duty Army Chaplain. He began his basic training last week. It is ironic because it will be 20 years this August since he went through basic training the first time.  (He was a reservist for 7 years).  I am extremely proud of him, I can't think of a position which is more necessary right now. 

Now, to deal with everything falling apart while he is gone....
the refrigerator leaking,
the food disposal leaking,
the tick I found on me in bed,
the dog running away,
teenage boys trying to disappear,
a little girl who misses her daddy terribly,
not to mention the garage that needs to be cleaned, but alas, there are black widows in there and I am terrified!

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